
Melody in a show groom


Show Routine

2-3 days before the show (generally wednesdays or thursdays) I will first bath the dogs in Artero Basic, followed by Vitalizing shampoo which I let sit for 3-5 minutes. Then I will condition the entire dog with Artero Protein conditioner. I blowdry the legs up, the beard down and forwards, and the jacket to lay with the grain of the coat.

At the show I will use Artero Podium Red for a final bit of texture and hold. I will also use a bit of Artero Speed if I feel the furnishings need a bit of a boost.

When we get home I rinse the dog all over and wash with Artero Basic followed by Artero Protein for 5 minutes and rinse. Then when dry I will apply a little more Protein to the beard and furnishings and blend it into the hair well.


Teaching a seminar with Crystal as a demo dog


I strip my dogs myself and teach classes and online courses on grooming wirecoats for both pet and show purposes. If you're interested in learning to groom your wirehaired dachshund please click here.

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